Friday 26 October 2018

Tastes - Inktober 2018 day 26


You were every flavour I had never tried 
Bitter marmalade
Clever caramels 
Until I could taste you 
Then you became vanilla 
I put you on a pedestal of tastes on my tongue 
Turned you into something marvellous 
Something clever
Some inconceivable gastronomic delight 
But you were so bland,
So poorly seasoned.
I imagined you as a feast 
Of mismatched salt and sweet
Something harsh and cracking 
But you were so lacking.
I am sorry to strip you of your flavour,
Now you’ve fallen out of favour.
But I pictured you so perfect,
‘Til you deserted,
Dissolved to nothing on my tongue,
And it is bittersweet 

To know this meal is done. 

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